Just to give you, dear reader, a preview as to what kind of godmother Miss Tea will be, let me paint the picture of the christening. As we (me and four other godparents) stood over baby D, the priest lectures us on what it truly means to be a godparent.
"It's not about the money (Miss Tea smirks), or the gifts (Miss Tea smiles) or any of the materialistic things of this world. You are responsible for him should anything happen to the parents, to guide him spiritually (Miss Tea: hmmm) and as a person. You must help him, if he's hanging on the street, doing drugs, if he's drinking (Miss Tea: whoa, no drinking?! )..."
At this point, Miss Tea gets a terrible case of the giggles and covers her mouth with her hand, trying desperately not to laugh in front of the priest while getting evil eye glares from JR and the other godparents. Thank goodness there are five godparents in case one of us (Miss Tea) should fail.
Whatever. At least I've got the godmother title, giving me license to spoil him rotten. I'll be the cool godmother who gets him to all the hottest concerts. :o)