As some of you know, Miss Tea took a little vaca to Buenos Aires in early December and has had to pay for it ever since returning to work. Wrapping up the end of the year in a rush makes Miss Tea very fussy.
Of course there are tons of things Miss Tea would like to talk about but with the holidays creeping up, family and friends to see...we'll just have to start up again next week.
However, Miss Tea will leave you with 2 movie reviews (in case you're bored with the fam and need an activity that doesn't require interaction...not that it happens in Miss Tea's family).
AvatarTo all the naysayer critics, shame on you. So what if it took 15 years to make this flick? It's pretty friggin' cool. Miss Tea has heard criticism that the story is weak, there are too much special effects, and yes, Miss Tea has some trouble understanding Sam Worthington's mumblings. But overall, the film is impressive as a fantasy film and delivers. Plus, Miss Tea likes the Mother Earth (or in this case Mother Pandora) theme of appreciating nature.
Premise: Jughead Jake Sully takes on a mission in Pandora in place of his super-smart but now dead twin brother to assist in the mining of a special mineral. An indigenous tribe (Miss Tea forgets what they're called...Naboo?? oh wait, that's Star Wars) sits on one of the largest mineral deposits and the Earthlings (that would be us) need to "nicely" evict them from their home. Sully becomes part of the tribe through an avatar to learn their ways in order to peacefully get them to leave. Of course, nothing's ever "peaceful" with James Cameron so conflict ensues.
At one point, Michelle Rodriguez's character says, "You're not the only one with guns, b*tch." For some reason, Miss Tea this is the one quote Miss Tea remembers from the film with fond affection and humor.
P.S. It is preferable that you see it on IMAX, over 3D. But you have the IMAX 3D combo, even better.
Sherlock HolmesWell, pubLiZity did it again! Last night, she and Miss Tea went to see a pre-screen of Sherlock Holmes. Robert Downey Jr. brought his Ironman charisma to the title character while Jude Law played an "alternative" Dr. Watson. Don't know about you, but Miss Tea always thought Dr. Watson was a stodgy old fellow...til now. Or maybe it's because it's Jude Law. Hmm. Doesn't matter. The point is, Downey and Law have chemistry and it shows onscreen in their "bromance" relationship. Rachel McAdams also does a great job as a tough Dame Adler, bringing in some clever, feminine spunk.
Premise: It's complicated. If Miss Tea tries to describe the plot, it may deter you from watching the film. So you're just going to have to see it.
Director Guy Ritchie also did a great job in keeping the film fast-paced, providing clues and keeping the audiece in suspense. Think Old English meets Rock N Rolla. The film is SMA-ART and the story is interesting enough to keep you enthralled. The only pisser for Miss Tea is when the story leaves you as if a sequel is in the works. Sigh.
Have a Happy Holiday Season everyone! Write to y'all next week!