Miss Tea doesn't want to give up too much, and also the press release is too thick to go through. But Miss Tea will say this much: Half Blood Prince starts right where Order of the Phoenix left off and is just as dark and grave. The "lighthearted comedy relief" can be found in all three main characters (Harry, Hermione and Ron) as they all go through teen love and loss and angst - truly a time that Miss Tea would not wish to revisit in her life, especially after seeing this movie.
All in all, the film doesn't disappoint. Natasha 98 left very happy. P.Dizzle said it was "actually pretty good" per his FB. The film will leave you wanting to know what happens next. But no way around it: you (and Miss Tea) will actually have to rrrr...rrrr....read all 784 pages of the Deathly Hollows in order to find out what happens next! Or Wikipedia it...yes, Miss Tea cheated. Don't look so shocked.
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