Best wishes to everyone for a Happy New Year! As for Miss Tea, she's made a few resolutions of her own for 2010:
1. Find Mr. Right / Right Now / Curtis Stone / Gerard Butler
2. Make some serious $$$ (They say money won't make you happy. Miss Tea would like the chance to prove them wrong.)
3. Lose weight - ugh, shocker.
So how did Miss Tea spend her New Year's Eve? Completely sober and in Times Square (no
alcohol allowed in Times Square during NYE). Yes, thanks again to pubLiZity, Miss Tea found herself on the NIVEA Kissing Platform in the middle of Times Square among the crowds. As a casted "reveler" - a term only used this time of year - Miss Tea felt like a bona fide acteur, since she had a green room, a kraft table and most importantly, access to a bathroom. (Trust, it could've been worse. Miss Tea saw Aquafina bottles with yellow liquid contents, on the sidewalk...eew.)

Unfortunately, Miss Tea did not get her closeup though F-Dawg swears he saw her doing the can-can on TV (which was true). However, she enjoyed the vibe off the crowd, met Vanessa Minnillo and Nick Lachey, and got a glimpse Ryan Seaquest and Daughtry. And...lookie here what showed up on Getty Images:

For 2010, Miss Tea will let her inner diva out more often. ;o)
Were Nick and Vanessa nice?